#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME mkdb.pl - a script for creation of new database. =head1 SYNOPSIS mkdb.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION This script will create tables Questions and Tournaments in the B databse. If the tables exist, it will ask user whether new tables should be created. =head1 BUGS The database, user and password are hardcoded. =head1 AUTHOR Dmitry Rubinstein =head1 $Id: mkdb.pl,v 1.17 2005/07/05 16:12:12 boris Exp $ =cut use DBI; use strict; my (@tbl_list, $dbh); sub CheckTable { my ($TabName) = @_; my ($ans); if (scalar(grep(/^$TabName$/i, @tbl_list))) { print "Table $TabName exists. Do you want to delete it? "; $ans = ; if ($ans =~ /[yY]/) { $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $TabName"); print "deleted table $TabName\n"; } else { exit; } } } MAIN: { print "Before connecting to the DB\n"; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:chgk", "piataev", "") or die "Can't connect to DB chgk\n" . $dbh->errstr; print "Connected successfully\n"; @tbl_list = $dbh->tables(); &CheckTable("Questions"); $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE Questions ( QuestionId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, KEY QuestionIdKey (QuestionId), ParentId SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY ParentIdKey (ParentId), Number SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY NumberKey (Number), Type CHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'þ', KEY TypeKey (Type), Question TEXT, Answer TEXT, PassCriteria TEXT, Authors TEXT, Sources TEXT, Comments TEXT, Rating TEXT, Topic TEXT, ProcessedBySearch INT )") or die "Can't create Questions table: $!\n"; &CheckTable("Tournaments"); $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE Tournaments ( Id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, KEY IdKey (Id), ParentId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, KEY ParentIdKey (ParentId), Title TINYTEXT NOT NULL, Number SMALLINT UNSIGNED, QuestionsNum INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0, Type ENUM('ç','ô','þ'), Copyright TEXT, Info TEXT, URL TINYTEXT, FileName CHAR(25), Editors TEXT, EnteredBy TEXT, PlayedAt DATE, CreatedAt DATE NOT NULL )") or die "Can't create Tournaments table: $!\n"; # CREATE INDEX ParentInd ON Tournaments (ParentId) # CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IdInd ON Tournaments (Id) $dbh->disconnect; }