#!/usr/bin/perl -w use DBI; use CGI ':all'; use Text::Query; use strict; use Time::Local; use POSIX qw(locale_h); use locale; #open STDERR, ">errors"; my $printqueries=1; my $debug=0; #added by R7 my %fieldname= (0,'Question', 1, 'Answer', 2, 'Comments', 3, 'Authors', 4, 'Sources'); my %searchin; my $thislocale; $searchin{'question'}=param('Question'); $searchin{'answer'}=param('Answer'); $searchin{'comment'}=param('Comment'); $searchin{'authors'}=param('Authors'); $searchin{'sources'}=param('Sources'); my $all=param('all'); $all=0 if lc $all eq 'no'; my ($PWD) = `pwd`; chomp $PWD; my ($SRCPATH) = "$PWD/../dimrub/src"; my ($ZIP) = "/home/piataev/bin/zip"; my $DUMPFILE = "/tmp/chgkdump"; my ($SENDMAIL) = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; my ($TMSECS) = 30*24*60*60; my (%RevMonths) = ('Jan', '0', 'Feb', '1', 'Mar', '2', 'Apr', '3', 'May', '4', 'Jun', '5', 'Jul', '6', 'Aug', '7', 'Sep', '8', 'Oct', '9', 'Nov', '10', 'Dec', '11', 'Янв', '0', 'Фев', 1, 'Мар', 2, 'Апр', 3, 'Май', '4', 'Июн', '5', 'Июл', 6, 'Авг', '7', 'Сен', '8', 'Окт', '9', 'Ноя', '19', 'Дек', '11'); # Determine whether the given time is within 2 months from now. sub NewEnough { my ($a) = @_; my ($year, $month, $day) = split('-', $a); return (time - timelocal(0, 0, 0, $day, $month -1, $year) < $TMSECS); } # Reads one question from the DB. Gets DB handler and Question ID. sub GetTournament { my ($dbh, $Id) = @_; my (%Tournament, $field, @arr); return %Tournament if ($Id == 0); my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM Tournaments WHERE Id=$Id"); $sth->execute; @arr = $sth->fetchrow; my($i, $name) = 0; foreach $name (@{$sth->{NAME}}) { $Tournament{$name} = $arr[$i++]; } return %Tournament; } # Reads one question from the DB. Gets DB handler and Question ID. sub GetQuestion { my ($dbh, $QuestionId) = @_; my (%Question, $field, @arr); my($sth) = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT * FROM Questions WHERE QuestionId=$QuestionId "); $sth->execute; @arr = $sth->fetchrow; my($i, $name) = 0; foreach $name (@{$sth->{NAME}}) { $Question{$name} = $arr[$i++]; } return %Question; } # Gets numbers of all the questions from the given tour. sub GetTourQuestions { my ($dbh, $ParentId) = @_; my (@arr, @Questions); my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT QuestionId FROM Questions WHERE ParentId=$ParentId ORDER BY QuestionId"); $sth->execute; while (@arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push @Questions, $arr[0]; } return @Questions; } # Returns list of children of the given tournament. sub GetTours { my ($dbh, $ParentId) = @_; my (@arr, @Tours); my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Id FROM Tournaments WHERE ParentId=$ParentId ORDER BY Id"); $sth->execute; while (@arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push @Tours, $arr[0]; } return @Tours; } sub russearch { my ($dbh, $sstr, $all,$allnf)=@_; my (@qw,@w,@tasks,$qw,@arr,$nf,$sth,@nf,$w,$where,$e,@where,%good,$i,%where,$from); my($number,@good,$t,$task,@rho,$rank,%rank,$r2,$r1,$word,$n,@last,$good,@words,%number,$taskid); my ($hi, $lo, $wordnumber,$query,$blob,$field,$sf,$ii); my @frequence; my (@arr1,@ar,@sf,@arr2); my %tasks; my $tasks; my @verybad; my %nf; my %tasksof; my %wordsof; my %relevance; my @blob; my %count; $sstr=~tr/йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбю/ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ/; @qw=@w =split (' ', uc $sstr); #----------- foreach $i (0..$#w) # заполняем массив @nf начальных форм # $nf[$i] -- ссылка на массив возможных # начальных форм словоформы $i { $qw= $dbh->quote (uc $w[$i]); $query=" select distinct w2 from nests where w1=$qw"; print "$query",br if $printqueries; $sth=$dbh -> prepare($query); $sth -> execute; @{$nf[$i]}=(); while (@arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push (@{$nf[$i]},$arr[0]) } } my @bad=grep {!$nf[$_]} 0..$#w; # @bad -- номера словоформ, # которых нет в словаре if (@bad) #есть неопознанные словоформы { require "cw.pl"; foreach $i(@bad) { if (@arr=checkword($dbh,$w[$i])) {push (@{$nf[$i]}, @arr);} else {push (@verybad,$i);} } } return () if ($all && @verybad); my $kvo=0; push @$allnf, @{$_} foreach @nf; print "nf=@$allnf"; foreach $i (0..$#w) #запросы в базу... { @arr=@{$nf[$i]} if $nf[$i]; @arr2=@arr1=@arr; $_= " word2question.word=".$_. ' ' foreach @arr; $_= " nf.id=".$_. ' ' foreach @arr1; # $_= " nests.w2=".$_. ' ' foreach @arr2; # $query="select w1 from nests where". (join ' OR ', @arr2); #print $query if $printqueries; # $sth=$dbh -> prepare($query); # $sth->execute; # while (@ar=$sth->fetchrow) # { # $ar[0]=~s/(.)/&nocase($1)/ge; # push(@sf,'(?:'.$ar[0].')'); # } # $selectshablon=join '|',@sf; #print $selectshablon,br if $printqueries; # $selectshablon=qr/$selectshablon/i; $query="select questions from word2question where". (join ' OR ', @arr); print "$query\n",br if $printqueries; $sth=$dbh -> prepare($query); $sth->execute; @blob=(); while (@arr=$sth->fetchrow) { @blob=(@blob,unpack 'C*',$arr[0]); } $query="select number from nf where ".(join ' OR ', @arr1); print "$query\n",br if $printqueries; $sth=$dbh -> prepare($query); $sth->execute; while (@arr=$sth->fetchrow) { $frequence[$i]+=$arr[0]; } if (@blob < 4) { $tasksof{$i}=undef; } else { $kvo++; $ii=0; while ($ii<$#blob) # создаём хэш %tasksof, ключи которого -- # номера искомых словоформ, а значения -- # списки вопросов, в которых есть соответствующа # словоформа. # Каждый список в свою очередь также оформлен в # виде хэша, ключи которого -- номера вопросов, # а значения -- списки номеров вхождений. Вот. { ($field,$lo,$hi,$wordnumber)=@blob[$ii..($ii+3)]; $ii+=4; $number=$lo+$hi*256; $field=$fieldname{$field}; if ($searchin{lc $field}) { push @{$tasksof{$i}{$number}}, $wordnumber; # дополнили в хэше, висящем на # словоформе $i в %tasksof список # вхождений $i в вопрос $number. push @{$wordsof{$number}{$i}}, $wordnumber; # дополнили в хэше, висящем на # вопросе $number в %wordsof список # вхождений $i в вопрос $number. } } #while ($ii<$#blob) } } #foreach $i #print "keys tasksof", join ' ', keys %{$tasksof{0}}; #Ищем пересечение или объединение списков вопросов (значений %tasksof) foreach $sf (keys %tasksof) { $count{$_}++ foreach keys %{$tasksof{$sf}}; } @tasks= ($all ? (grep {$count{$_}==$kvo} keys %count) : keys %count) ; print "\n\$#tasks=",$#tasks,br if $printqueries; ############ Сортировка найденных вопросов foreach (keys %wordsof) { $relevance{$_}=&relevance($#w,$wordsof{$_},\@frequence) if $_ } @tasks=sort {$relevance{$b}<=>$relevance{$a}} @tasks; ############ print "tasks=@tasks"; #print "$_ $relevance{$_} | " foreach @tasks; #print br; print "allnf=@$allnf",br if $printqueries; return @tasks; } sub distance { # на входе -- номера словоформ и ссылки на # списки вхождений. На выходе -- расстояние, # вычисляемое по формуле min(|b-a-pb+pa|) # pb,pa # (pb и pa -- позиции слов b и a) my ($a,$b,$lista,$listb)=@_; my ($pa,$pb,$min,$curmin); $min=10000; foreach $pa (@$lista) { foreach $pb (@$listb) { $curmin=abs($b-$a-$pb+$pa); $min= $curmin if $curmin<$min; } } return $min; } sub relevance { # На входе -- количество искомых словоформ -1 и # ссылка на hash, ключи которого -- # номера словоформ, а значения -- списки вхождений my ($n,$words,$frequence)=@_; my $relevance=0; my ($first,$second,$d); foreach $first (0..$n) { $relevance+=scalar @{$$words{$first}}+1000+1000/$$frequence[$first] if $$words{$first}; foreach $second ($first+1..$n) { $d=&distance($first,$second,$$words{$first},$$words{$second}); $relevance+=($d>10?0:10-$d)*10; } } return $relevance; } # Returns list of QuestionId's, that have the search string in them. sub Search { my ($dbh, $sstr,$metod,$all,$allnf) = @_; my (@arr, @Questions, @fields); my (@sar, $i, $sth,$where); # push @fields, 'Question'; if ($metod eq 'rus') { my @tasks=russearch($dbh,$sstr,$all,$allnf); return @tasks } ###Simple and advanced query processing. Added by R7 if ($metod eq 'simple' || $metod eq 'advanced') { foreach (qw/Question Answer Sources Authors Comments/) { if (param($_)) { push @fields, $_; } } @fields=(qw/Question Answer Sources Authors Comments/) unless scalar @fields; my $fields=join ",", @fields; my $q=new Text::Query($sstr, -parse => 'Text::Query::'. (($metod eq 'simple') ? 'ParseSimple':'ParseAdvanced'), -solve => 'Text::Query::SolveSQL', -build => 'Text::Query::BuildSQLMySQL', -fields_searched => $fields); $where= $$q{'matchexp'}; my $query= "SELECT Questionid FROM Questions WHERE $where"; print br."Query is: $query".br if $debug; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); } else ###### { foreach (qw/Question Answer Sources Authors Comments/) { if (param($_)) { push @fields, "IFNULL($_, '')"; } } @sar = split " ", $sstr; for $i (0 .. $#sar) { $sar[$i] = $dbh->quote("%${sar[$i]}%"); } my($f) = "CONCAT(" . join(',', @fields) . ")"; if (param('all') eq 'yes') { $sstr = join " AND $f LIKE ", @sar; } else { $sstr = join " OR $f LIKE ", @sar; } my $query="SELECT QuestionId FROM Questions WHERE $f LIKE $sstr ORDER BY QuestionId"; print $query if $printqueries; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query) } #else -- processing old-style query (R7) $sth->execute; while (@arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push @Questions, $arr[0]; } return @Questions; } # Substitute every letter by a pair (for case insensitive search). my (@letters) = qw/аА бБ вВ гГ дД еЕ жЖ зЗ иИ йЙ кК лЛ мМ нН оО пП рР сС тТ уУ фФ хХ цЦ чЧ шШ щЩ ьЬ ыЫ эЭ юЮ яЯ/; sub NoCase { my ($sstr) = shift; my ($res); if (($res) = grep(/$sstr/, @letters)) { return "[$res]"; } else { return $sstr; } } sub PrintSearch { my ($dbh, $sstr, $metod) = @_; my @allnf; my (@Questions) = &Search($dbh, $sstr,$metod,$all,\@allnf); my ($output, $i, $suffix, $hits) = ('', 0, '', $#Questions + 1); my $shablon; if ($metod eq 'rus') { my $where='0'; $where.= " or w2=$_ " foreach @allnf; my $query="select w1 from nests where $where"; my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query); print "$query" if $printqueries; $sth->execute; my @shablon; while (my @arr = $sth->fetchrow) { push @shablon,"(?:$arr[0])"; } $shablon= join "|", @shablon; $shablon=~s/[её]/\[ЕЁ\]/gi; # $shablon=~s/([йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ])/&NoCase($1)/ge; $shablon=qr/$shablon/i; print "!$shablon!",br if $printqueries; } if ($hits =~ /1.$/ || $hits =~ /[5-90]$/) { $suffix = 'й'; } elsif ($hits =~ /1$/) { $suffix = 'е'; } else { $suffix = 'я'; } print p({align=>"center"}, "Результаты поиска на " . strong($sstr) . " : $hits попадани$suffix."); if (param('word')) { $sstr = '[ \.\,:;]' . $sstr . '[ \.\,:\;]'; } $sstr =~ s/(.)/&NoCase($1)/ge; my(@sar) = split(' ', $sstr); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Questions; $i++) { $output = &PrintQuestion($dbh, $Questions[$i], 1, $i + 1, 1); if (param('metod') eq 'rus') { $output=~s/\b($shablon)\b/\$1\<\/strong\>/gi; } else { foreach (@sar) { $output =~ s/$_/$&<\/strong>/gs; }} print $output; } } sub PrintRandom { my ($dbh, $type, $num, $text) = @_; my (@Questions) = &Get12Random($dbh, $type, $num); my ($output, $i) = ('', 0); if ($text) { $output .= " $num случайных вопросов.\n\n"; } else { $output .= h2({align=>"center"}, "$num случайных вопросов."); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Questions; $i++) { # Passing DB handler, question ID, print answer, question # number, print title, print text/html $output .= &PrintQuestion($dbh, $Questions[$i], 1, $i + 1, 0, $text); } return $output; } sub PrintTournament { my ($dbh, $Id, $answer) = @_; my (%Tournament, @Tours, $i, $list, $qnum, $imgsrc, $alt, $SingleTour); my ($output) = ''; %Tournament = &GetTournament($dbh, $Id) if ($Id); my ($URL) = $Tournament{'URL'}; my ($Info) = $Tournament{'Info'}; my ($Copyright) = $Tournament{'Copyright'}; @Tours = &GetTours($dbh, $Id); if ($Id) { for ($Tournament{'Type'}) { /Г/ && do { $output .= h2({align=>"center"}, "Группа: $Tournament{'Title'} ", "$Tournament{'PlayedAt'}") . p . "\n"; last; }; /Ч/ && do { return &PrintTour($dbh, $Tours[0], $answer) if ($#Tours == 0); my $title="Пакет: $Tournament{'Title'}"; if ($Tournament{'PlayedAt'}) { $title .= " $Tournament{'PlayedAt'}"; } $output .= h2({align=>"center"}, "$title") . p . "\n"; last; }; /Т/ && do { return &PrintTour($dbh, $Id, $answer); }; } } else { my ($qnum) = GetQNum($dbh); $output .= h2("Банк Вопросов: $qnum вопросов") . p . "\n"; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Tours; $i++) { %Tournament = &GetTournament($dbh, $Tours[$i]); if ($Tournament{'Type'} =~ /Ч/) { $SingleTour = 0; my (@Tours) = &GetTours($dbh, $Tournament{'Id'}); $SingleTour = 1 if ($#Tours == 0); } if ($Tournament{'QuestionsNum'} > 0) { $qnum = " ($Tournament{'QuestionsNum'} вопрос" . &Suffix($Tournament{'QuestionsNum'}) . ")\n"; } else { $qnum = ''; } if ($Tournament{'Type'} =~ /Г/) { $imgsrc = "/icons/folder.gif"; $alt = "[*]"; } else { $imgsrc = "/icons/folder.gif"; $alt = "[-]"; } if ($SingleTour or $Tournament{'Type'} =~ /Т/) { $list .= dd(img({src=>$imgsrc, alt=>$alt}) . " " . $Tournament{'Title'} . " " . $Tournament{'PlayedAt'} . $qnum) . dl( dd("[" . a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}&answer=0"}, "вопросы") . "] [" . a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}&answer=1"}, "вопросы + ответы") . "]") ); } else { $list .= dd(a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}&comp=1"}, img({src=>'/icons/compressed.gif', alt=>'[ZIP]', border=>1})) . " " . img({src=>$imgsrc, alt=>$alt}) . " " . a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}&answer=0"}, $Tournament{'Title'}. " ". $Tournament{'PlayedAt'}) . $qnum); } } $output .= dl($list); if ($URL) { $output .= p("Дополнительная информация об этом турнире - по адресу " . a({-'href'=>$URL}, $URL)); } if ($Copyright) { $output .= p("Копирайт: " . $Copyright); } if ($Info) { $output .= p($Info); } return $output; } sub Suffix { my ($qnum) = @_; my ($suffix) = 'а' if $qnum =~ /[234]$/; $suffix = '' if $qnum =~ /1$/; $suffix = 'ов' if $qnum =~ /[567890]$/ || $qnum =~ /1.$/; return $suffix; } sub IsTour { my ($dbh, $Id) = @_; my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Type FROM Tournaments WHERE Id=$Id"); $sth->execute; return ($sth->fetchrow)[0] =~ /Т/; } # Gets a DB handler (ofcourse) and a tour Id. Prints all the # question of that tour, according to the options. sub PrintTour { my ($dbh, $Id, $answer) = @_; my ($output, $q, $bottom, $field) = ('', 0, '', ''); my (%Tour) = &GetTournament($dbh, $Id); my (@Tours) = &GetTours($dbh, $Tour{'ParentId'}); my (%Tournament) = &GetTournament($dbh, $Tour{'ParentId'}); return 0 if ($Tour{'Type'} !~ /Т/); my ($qnum) = $Tour{'QuestionsNum'}; my ($suffix) = &Suffix($qnum); $output .= h2({align=>"center"}, $Tournament{"Title"}, $Tournament{'PlayedAt'}, "
", $Tour{"Title"} . " ($qnum вопрос$suffix)\n") . p; my (@Questions) = &GetTourQuestions($dbh, $Id); for ($q = 0; $q <= $#Questions; $q++) { $output .= &PrintQuestion($dbh, $Questions[$q], $answer, 0); } $output .= hr({-'align'=>'center', -'width'=>'80%'}); if ($Tournament{'URL'}) { $output .= p("Дополнительная информация об этом турнире - по адресу " . a({-'href'=>$Tournament{'URL'}}, $Tournament{'URL'})); } if ($Tournament{'Copyright'}) { $output .= p("Копирайт: " . $Tournament{'Copyright'}); } if ($Tournament{'Info'}) { $output .= p($Tournament{'Info'}); } if ($answer == 0) { $bottom .= "[" . a({href=>url . "?tour=$Id&answer=1"}, "ответы") . "] " . br; } if (&IsTour($dbh, $Id - 1)) { $bottom .= "[" . a({href=>url . "?tour=" . ($Id - 1) . "&answer=0"}, "предыдущий тур") . "] "; $bottom .= "[" . a({href=>url . "?tour=" . ($Id - 1) . "&answer=1"}, "предыдущий тур с ответами") . "] " . br; } if (&IsTour($dbh, $Id + 1)) { $bottom .= "[" . a({href=>url . "?tour=" . ($Id + 1) . "&answer=0"}, "следующий тур") . "] "; $bottom .= "[" . a({href=>url . "?tour=" . ($Id + 1) . "&answer=1"}, "следующий тур с ответами") . "] "; } $output .= p({align=>"center"}, font({size=>-1}, $bottom)); return $output; } sub PrintField { my ($header, $value, $text) = @_; if ($text) { $value =~ s/<[\/\w]*>//sg; } else { $value =~ s/^\s+/
    /mg; $value =~ s/^\|([^\n]*)/

	return $text ? "$header:\n$value\n\n" : 
		strong("$header: ") . $value . p . "\n";

# Gets a DB handler (ofcourse) and a question Id. Prints 
# that question, according to the options.
sub PrintQuestion {
	my ($dbh, $Id, $answer, $qnum, $title, $text) = @_;
	my ($output, $titles) = ('', '');

	my (%Question) = &GetQuestion($dbh, $Id);
	if (!$text) {
		$output .= hr({width=>"50%"});
		if ($title) {
			my (%Tour) = GetTournament($dbh, $Question{'ParentId'});
			my (%Tournament) = GetTournament($dbh, $Tour{'ParentId'});
			$titles .=
				dd(img({src=>"/icons/folder.open.gif"}) . " " .
					 a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}"}, $Tournament{'Title'}, $Tournament{'PlayedAt'}));
			$titles .=
				dl(dd(img({src=>"/icons/folder.open.gif"}) . " " .
					a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tour{'Id'}"}, $Tour{'Title'})));
		$output .= dl(strong($titles));
	$qnum = $Question{'Number'}
		if ($qnum == 0);

	$output .= 
		&PrintField("Вопрос $qnum", $Question{'Question'}, $text);

	if ($answer) {
		$output .= 
			&PrintField("Ответ", $Question{'Answer'}, $text);

		if ($Question{'Authors'}) {
                      my $q=$Question{'Authors'};

		      my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select Authors.Id,Name, Surname, Nicks from Authors, A2Q
                                 where Authors.Id=Author And Question=$Id");
                      my ($AuthorId,$Name, $Surname,$other,$Nicks);

                      while ((($AuthorId,$Name, $Surname,$Nicks)=$sth->fetchrow),$AuthorId)
                        my ($firstletter)=$Name=~m/^./g;
#		        $other.=a({href=>url."?qofauthor=$AuthorId"},"$Name $Surname").". ";
                          my $sha="(?:$Name\\s+$Surname)|(?:$Surname\\s+$Name)|(?:$firstletter\\.\\s*$Surname)|(?:$Surname\\s+$firstletter\\.)|(?:$Surname)|(?:$Name)";
                          foreach (split /\|/, $Nicks)
                              s/ /\\s+/;
                              if (s/>$//) {$sha="$sha|(?:$_)"}
                              else        {$sha="(?:$_)|$sha"}

			$output .= &PrintField("Автор(ы)", $q, $text);

#                        $output.= &PrintField("Другие вопросы", $other);

		if ($Question{'Sources'}) {
			$output .= &PrintField("Источник(и)", $Question{'Sources'}, $text);

		if ($Question{'Comments'}) {
			$output .= &PrintField("Комментарии", $Question{'Comments'}, $text);
	return $output;

# Returns the total number of questions currently in the DB.
sub GetQNum {
	my ($dbh) = @_;
	my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Questions");
 	return ($sth->fetchrow)[0];
sub GetMaxQId {
	my ($dbh) = @_;
	my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT MAX(QuestionId) FROM Questions");
 	return ($sth->fetchrow)[0];

# Returns Id's of 12 random questions
sub Get12Random {
   my ($dbh, $type, $num) = @_;
	my ($i, @questions, $q, $t, $sth);
	my ($qnum) = &GetMaxQId($dbh);
	my (%chosen);
   for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
       do {
	   $q = int(rand($qnum));
	   $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Type FROM Questions
				WHERE QuestionId=$q");
	   $t = ($sth->fetchrow)[0];
       } until !$chosen{$q} && $t && $type =~ /[$t]/;
       $chosen{$q} = 'y';
       push @questions, $q;
   return @questions;

sub Include_virtual {
	my ($fn, $output) = (@_, '');

	open F , $fn
		or return; #die "Can't open the file $fn: $!\n";
	while () {
		if (//&Include_virtual($1)/e;
		if (//`$1`/e;
		$output .= $_;
	return $output;

sub PrintArchive {
	my($dbh, $Id) = @_;
	my ($output, @list, $i);

	my (%Tournament) = &GetTournament($dbh, $Id);
	my (@Tours) = &GetTours($dbh, $Id);
	if ($Tournament{'Type'} =~ /Г/ || $Id == 0) {
		for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Tours; $i++) {
			push(@list ,&PrintArchive($dbh, $Tours[$i]));
		return @list;
	return "$SRCPATH/$Tournament{'FileName'} ";

sub PrintAll {
	my ($dbh, $Id) = @_;
	my ($output, $list, $i);

	my (%Tournament) = &GetTournament($dbh, $Id);
	my (@Tours) = &GetTours($dbh, $Id);
	my ($New) = ($Id and $Tournament{'Type'} eq 'Ч' and 
		&NewEnough($Tournament{"CreatedAt"})) ?
		img({src=>"/znatoki/dimrub/db/new-sml.gif", alt=>"NEW!"}) : "";

	if ($Id == 0) {
		$output = h3("Все турниры");
	} else {
		$output .= dd(img({src=>"/icons/folder.gif", alt=>"[*]"}) .
      " " . a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}&answer=0"},
      $Tournament{'Title'}) ." " . $Tournament{'PlayedAt'} . " $New");
	if ($Id == 0 or $Tournament{'Type'} =~ /Г/) {
		for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Tours; $i++) {
			$list .= &PrintAll($dbh, $Tours[$i]);
		$output .= dl($list);
	return $output;

sub PrintDates {
	my ($dbh) = @_;
	my ($from) = param('from_year') . "-" . param('from_month') . 
		"-" .  param('from_day');
	my ($to) = param('to_year') . "-" . param('to_month') . "-" .  param('to_day');
	$from = $dbh->quote($from);
	$to = $dbh->quote($to);
	my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("
		FROM Tournaments
		WHERE PlayedAt >= $from AND PlayedAt <= $to
		AND Type = 'Ч'
	my (%Tournament, @array, $output, $list);

	$output = h3("Список турниров, проходивших между $from и $to.");
	while (@array = $sth->fetchrow) {
			if (!$array[0]);
		%Tournament = &GetTournament($dbh, $array[0]);
      $list .= dd(img({src=>"/icons/folder.gif", alt=>"[*]"}) .
      " " . a({href=>url . "?tour=$Tournament{'Id'}&answer=0"},
      $Tournament{'Title'}, $Tournament{'PlayedAt'}));
	$output .= dl($list);
	return $output;

sub PrintQOfAuthor
    my ($dbh, $id) = @_;
    my $sth =  $dbh->prepare("SELECT  Name, Surname FROM Authors WHERE Id=$id");    
    my ($name,$surname)=$sth->fetchrow;

    $sth =  $dbh->prepare("SELECT Question FROM A2Q WHERE Author=$id");    
    my $q;
    my @Questions;	
    while (($q)=$sth->fetchrow,$q)
     {push @Questions,$q;}

    my ($output, $i, $suffix, $hits) = ('', 0, '', $#Questions + 1);

    if ($hits =~ /1.$/  || $hits =~ /[5-90]$/) {
		$suffix = 'й';
	} elsif ($hits =~ /1$/) {
		$suffix = 'е';
	} else {
		$suffix = 'я'; 
	print p({align=>"center"}, "Автор ".strong("$name $surname. ") 
	. " : $hits попадани$suffix.");

	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#Questions; $i++) {
		$output = &PrintQuestion($dbh, $Questions[$i], 1, $i + 1, 1);
		print $output;

sub PrintAuthors
     my ($dbh,$sort)=@_;
     if ($sort eq 'surname') 
        $sth = 
             $dbh->prepare("SELECT Id, Name, Surname, QNumber FROM Authors order by Surname");
        $sth = 
             $dbh->prepare("SELECT Id, Name, Surname, QNumber FROM Authors Order by QNumber DESC");      
Алфавитный список авторов
"; } $sth->execute; $output.=Tr(th["Фамилия, имя", "Количество вопросов"]); $out1=''; my $ar=$sth->fetchall_arrayref; =head foreach my $arr(@$ar) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM A2Q where Author=".$$arr[0]); $sth->execute; my ($kvo)=$sth->fetchrow; push @$arr, $kvo; } =cut # sort { }@{$ar} foreach my $arr(@$ar) { my ($id,$name,$surname,$kvo)=@$arr; if (!$name || !$surname) {print "Opanki at $id\n"} else { print "!"; my $add=Tr(td([a({href=>"/cgi-bin/db.cgi?qofauthor=$id"},'[Q] ')."$name $surname", $kvo]))."\n"; print STDERR $add; $output.=$add; } } $output.="
"; return $output; } MAIN: { setlocale(LC_CTYPE,'russian'); my($i, $tour); my($text) = (param('text')) ? 1 : 0; my($dbh) = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:chgk", "piataev", "") or do { print h1("Временные проблемы") . "База данных временно не работает. Заходите попозже."; print &Include_virtual("../dimrub/db/reklama.html"); print end_html; die "Can't connect to DB chgk\n"; }; if (!param('comp') and !param('sqldump') and !$text) { print header; print start_html(-"title"=>'Database of the questions', -author=>'dimrub@icomverse.com', -bgcolor=>'#fff0e0', -vlink=>'#800020'); print &Include_virtual("../dimrub/db/reklama.html"); } if ($^O =~ /win/i) { $thislocale = "Russian_Russia.20866"; } else { $thislocale = "ru_RU.KOI8-R"; } POSIX::setlocale( &POSIX::LC_ALL, $thislocale ); if ((uc 'а') ne 'А') {print "Koi8-r locale not installed!\n"}; if ($text) { print header('text/plain'); } if (param('rand')) { my ($type, $qnum) = ('', 12); $type .= 'Б' if (param('brain')); $type .= 'Ч' if (param('chgk')); $qnum = param('qnum') if (param('qnum') =~ /^\d+$/); $qnum = 0 if (!$type); if (param('email') && -x $SENDMAIL && open(F, "| $SENDMAIL -t -n")) { my ($Email) = param('email'); my ($mime_type) = $text ? "plain" : "html"; print F <Reload для получения еще одного пакета"; } else { print &PrintRandom($dbh, $type, $qnum, $text); } } elsif (param('authors')){ print &PrintAuthors($dbh,param('authors')); } elsif (param('qofauthor')){ &PrintQOfAuthor($dbh,param('qofauthor')); } elsif (param('sstr')) { &PrintSearch($dbh, param('sstr'), param('metod')); } elsif (param('all')) { print &PrintAll($dbh, 0); } elsif (param('from_year') && param('to_year')) { print &PrintDates($dbh); } elsif (param('comp')) { print header( -'Content-Type' => 'application/x-zip-compressed; name="db.zip"', -'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="db.zip"' ); $tour = (param('tour')) ? param('tour') : 0; my (@files) = &PrintArchive($dbh, $tour); open F, "$ZIP -j - $SRCPATH/COPYRIGHT @files |"; print (); close F; $dbh->disconnect; exit; } elsif (param('sqldump')) { print header( -'Content-Type' => 'application/x-zip-compressed; name="dump.zip"', -'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="dump.zip"' ); open F, "$ZIP -j - $DUMPFILE |"; print (); close F; $dbh->disconnect; exit; } else { $tour = (param('tour')) ? param('tour') : 0; if ($tour !~ /^[0-9]*$/) { my ($sth) = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Id FROM Tournaments WHERE FileName = '$tour.txt'"); $sth->execute; $tour = ($sth->fetchrow)[0]; } print &PrintTournament($dbh, $tour, param('answer')); } if (!$text) { print &Include_virtual("../dimrub/db/footer.html"); print end_html; } $dbh->disconnect; }